Learn Buffalo

Learn Buffalo in Go

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Web development can be difficult, but it doesn't have to be! Buffalo is a framework built in Go that can help get your project up and running quickly. It uses the MVC pattern, which may be familiar if you have experience with Rails, Angular and many other modern web app systems.

What's so great about Buffalo?

Buffalo provides a unified toolbox to generate your initial code, develop and test your project, and package an application to deploy on a server. It strives to eliminate many choices and confusion that can happen in trying to develop even a modest web application these days. Develop the backend and frontend at the same time.

What can I build with Buffalo?

Applications that rely on a database are an ideal fit for Buffalo. CRUD apps that allows users to create and manage custom resources work well. The Buffalo suite includes an HTML templating system, but you can also create an API-style project that serves only JSON requests.

Who is this for?

If you have some basic experience with Go, you should be able to create a project in Buffalo. The lessons here assume you have worked with Go before. If you have experience in Rails or other MVC systems, you should recognize many of the patterns and concepts.

How much does it cost?

Just your time. The information on this site is free and we don't track you, so there's nothing to sell! Buffalo is an open-source project that is free to use thanks to the contribution of many generous people.

How do I get started?

Jump into the Series: Build a blog site to create a project from scratch. Each of the major components (models, HTML templates, forms, etc.) are broken out into individual lessons, so skip around if you want to explore a specific topic. A video accompanies each lesson, and we are working to create a written guide for each one as well.